Slow Flowers Floral Insights + Industry Forecast 2024

Finding our purpose in seasonality and simplicity

After recently spending time with famed British floral designer Shane Connolly, who Slow Flowers Society hosted during three September days of lectures and workshops in Seattle, we can’t stop thinking about a lesson he shared. Shane drew our attention to “The Abundance of Less,” a book by Andy Couturier. As he applied his concept of cherishing the season’s best choices to floral practices, Shane urged us to appreciate the blooms and stems that the garden offers and to design with attention and intention. These ideas seem entirely fitting as guiding principles for the 2024 Slow Flowers Floral Insights and Industry Forecast.

We’re calling 2024 The Year of Simplicity. At the heart of it, this topic is values-driven. Yes, it means making seasonality and sustainability more central to our floral enterprises, but in the larger cultural context, we believe that increasingly, “seeking less” is a reaction to modern times. As consumers reject excess, commercialism, and the smothering presence of technology, among other prevailing issues of the day, they are returning to their core values. This does not mean a lack of progress, but, whether for caution or conviction, people want to make smart and safe choices – for their lifestyles and for the environment. Simplicity is the antidote to what we otherwise can’t control.

More than ever, the value of simplicity should inform our approach to consumption, to the methods and materials we use as growers or designers, or to our personal footprint. We’re deeply aware that many people, including our customers and clients, are facing rough times. This emotion can’t help but permeate decisions on how they shop and budget. Because of inflation and price pressure, people want to know their dollar is going to go further and that their dollars are doing good for their community and the planet. People are now more selective in how and why they spend. The Slow Flowers practitioner is uniquely situated to empower their community with a sense of “doing better,” practicing wellness and self-care, and making safer choices.

In the following pages we present seven important insights to influence you in the New Year. Each theme has supporting material, including examples from the larger culture and the Slow Flowers community. We share data from the 2024 Slow Flowers Member Survey, and we wrap up the insight by reflecting on “What It Means for You?” You’ll also find links to more resources and additional reading.

Click to read the 2023 Slow Flowers Floral Insights + Industry Forecast