NOTE: We’re so pleased to publish this poignant essay by Slow Flowers member Kate Watters.…

Kate Watters
Kate Watters is the heart and soul behind Agave Maria Botanicals. Kate is a botanist and artist with a deep connection and enthusiasm (aka nerdy obsession) for the plant world. As a child she explored the meadows and woods in her Vermont backyard opening up milkweed pods and collecting rose hips. When Kate “grew up” she became a biologist because the job description involved crawling on hands and knees to identify plants. She worked for 20 years on public lands in the southwest as a restoration practitioner training volunteer armies in an effort to save the good plants and eradicate the bad ones. She gardened and wrote stories everywhere she went. Three years ago she quit her non-profit conservation job to follow her heart’s calling to become an organic farmer and entrepreneur. Kate is passionate about all aspects of flowers—their innate artistic beauty, pollination ecology, physiology, and especially their medicinal, magical and mystical properties. She loves bringing people together around flowers and food and creativity in the form of workshops and volunteer events.